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Tuesday, June 15, 2021 In the Volgograd region, farmers are trying to revive a rare horse breed

The Devyataev brothers inherited a prosperous farm from their father. Mikhail and Kirill are engaged in food crop farming (they have increased the area under crops manifold, from 200 hectares to 4000), animal farming and they dream of horse breeding.

The brothers recently applied for a Family Farm grant. If they win, they will invest some of the funds into horse breeding.

According to the head of the farm Mikhail Devyataev, the family breeds Don horses, there are only 700-800 of them left in the world.

"We decided to do our best to ensure that this breed wouldn't go extinct. It is a huge responsibility, but also very interesting!" says the Volgograd resident.

The Don breed is indigenous. It is well adapted to our climate, doesn't need winterized barns, is tough and hardy, and recovers quickly.

"We've always kept horses," says Mikail Devyataev, "I remember, when I was in the second grade, my father gave me a horse named Aza for my birthday. And the boys and I, with no saddle, only with a bridle, rode all together to swim in the Medveditsa river and the lakes. Since then I've always had horses."

This year, the farmers are planning to build a stable. They hope to build a decent barn, that they could feel good about, says Mikail Devyataev.

The farm's best stallion is Belobok, born in 2017.

With good care, such as the Devyataevs provide, Don horses can live 28-30 years, according to "Krestyanskaya".

By the way, the brothers Mikhail and Kirill Devyataev are relatives of the legendary pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Devyataev. The great-grandfather of Mikhail and Kirill was the hero's brother.


In the Volgograd region, farmers are trying to revive a rare horse breedIn the Volgograd region, farmers are trying to revive a rare horse breed
In the Volgograd region, farmers are trying to revive a rare horse breed

Last update: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 12:07:34 PM

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