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Friday, December 26, 2014 The handmade carriage

Michael Kasenkin, a former businessman, and fancier from Penza, is an inhabitant of the Moscow area now. To build carriage-equipage with his own hands is not problem for him. He had already learned to make vehicles in Penza, and he was always the passionate "horseman". The first "pepelats", fabricated from broken iron, went into the wished form of vintage equipage. Next Michael presented his vehicles to his friends-horsemen. But when one of the products was sold for 3000 RUB, Michael Kasenkin came to have a sense of the market. Starting his business in the Moscow area, the newly-made businessman-cartwright began manufacturing and gave the first advertisement.

The carriage factory by Michael Kasenkin produced animal-drawn transport for more than twenty years. During this time makers gained a lot of experience and created many interesting models, every one of them took tests and had trial runs. In the factory by Michael you can buy carriages, sledges, toboggans, and any other possible horse- and pony-vehicles or made to order.

The company offers to rent horse-drawn carriages with a folding top, coaches, and carts. There is a large model range of horse- and pony-vehicles from the most basic to the expensive with gilding and finishing of natural leather. You can always test drive of products.

During Equiros-Professional 2015 the international conference and professional exposition, the manufacturer will present new hand-made products that have patents. All of the products Michael Kasenkin' manufactures provide a guarantee for 12 months.

The handmade carriageThe handmade carriage
The handmade carriage

Last update: Monday, December 29, 2014 9:44:14 AM

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