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Tuesday, May 16, 2023 ANNA_HORSY Hobbyhorse at Equiros!

These amazing toys, so beloved by children and adults alike, have their history and their creators.

But Horse is not just a toy - it has a story, a character and... a soul. A soul, which the creator first helps to give birth to, and then the owner of Horsey.

Horse may be gray, chocolate-red, red or apple-red... It can be of any kind.

It can be affectionate, playful, can love to jump over high hurdles or take a walk in the woods. It is a reflection of you!

There’s a huge selection of Hobbyhorse products to suit all tastes, as well as an incredible amount of ammunition. You can find it all in the VK group ! Visit the exhibition and see for yourself!

Last update: Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:05:43 PM

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