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Tuesday, August 22, 2017 Autumn Equiros welcomes well-known Vernye Druzya company

For 20 years now Vernye Druzya company helps our pets when they experience hard times, feel unwell and need some prevention, just as we do. One can sure enough tell the condition of a horse by the way it looks, but only professionals are competent to assess and preserve its health. In such cases we seek assistance from Vernye Druzya.

Vernye Druzya is an extensive network of veterinary clinics, animal rehabilitation centres, zoo markets and drug stores. The stores and centres offer drugs and medicines by leading global manufacturers, such as Intervet, Bayer, Pfizer, Ceva, TRM, Merial, CDM, Invesa, Veda and much more. Homeopathic medicines to treat or prevent respiratory conditions in horses, vitamin and mineral complexes, antibacterial sprays and drugs, hooves products and many more are never our of stock. The veterinary drug stores now also feature one of the best horse care items made by the oldest English company CARR&DAY&MARTIN.

Vernye Druzya operates all across Russia working with equestrian clubs and facilities, maintaining the optimal price level and quality of its products and services.

Come and see the company's stand between October 26 and 29, 2017, to see the full range of products or get a professional advice.

Autumn Equiros welcomes well-known Vernye Druzya company

Last update: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 1:34:01 PM

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